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High frequency biochemistry


This is the german legal information. If you require an english version, please contact me Angaben gemäß §5 TMG

Wolfram Kunz
Nane-Wolf-Weg 31
71069 Sindelfingen

Landratsamt Böblingen


Zuständige Kammer:
Verband Deutscher Heilpraktiker


Haftung für Inhalte:
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt(responsible for the content of the website) nach §55 Ab. RStV:
HP Wolfram Kunz

image sources:

This information was translated by machine, please refer to the german legal notice for reference here

Liability notice:
Despite careful control of the content, I assume no liability for the content of external links. For the content of linked pages are solely responsible for their operators. I strive to publish as accurate and reliable information as possible on my web pages. However, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of all published information. Any liability in case of errors or omissions on my web pages is excluded.

Legal notice:
All mentioned, shown and played brands or trademarks are registered trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and if necessary not marked separately. From the absence of the marking can not be concluded that a term, a sound or an image is not a registered trademark or a registered trademark.

Important notice and disclaimer:
This homepage is for information purposes only. All references, no matter what kind, are intended only to stimulate reflection and own further research.
All therapies, treatments or energetic interventions described herein may only be performed by or under the direct supervision of a well-trained physician or alternative practitioner who has a proven track record of specializing in the services they offer. Nothing described on this website should be interpreted as a diagnosis or treatment option for any particular disease. It is pointed out with all clarity that all mentioned treatment examples are only examples and never a healing promise is possible. Any undesirable consequences arising from the use or misuse of the information contained on this homepage are the sole responsibility of the user or reader of this homepage and not the owner and author of this homepage.

Warnings without prior contact futile!
In creating this homepage, I have made every effort not to infringe on any third-party rights and to comply with all legal requirements.
As a user of my homepage, you agree to the following terms:
If I should violate on my pages content or by the way of presentation unknowingly or accidentally foreign rights or legal provisions, please contact me personally immediately.
If complaints exist justifiably, I guarantee to react immediately and make appropriate changes and deletions to my pages, without the need for you to involve legal counsel. Costs, which result from a disregard of this regulation, I will reject in full height and gflls. with a counterclaim because of injury o.g. regulations react. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)